Current Favourite Cleansers

If there is one thing that has come from spending more time at home, it’s that I have really gotten back into skincare. In the past I had been happy with a cleanser if it dissolved my makeup & seemed to clean my face. But now I’m after more. I want to start my routine with something that will actually benefit my skin, not just get the job done. 

The first cleanser I have been trying out and really loving recently is the Sanctuary Spa Triple Cleansing Mousse. For me, this mousse isn’t for removing makeup, so I have been using it in the mornings or as the second step in my double cleanse in the evening. When I first tried the product out I thought it might just be a nice silky foam, that would hydrate the skin & that would be that. But; there is actually so much more to this product! In the mousse you’ll find resurfacing Glycolic Acid and Perlite (which is the gritty, natural mineral scrub bit). So even after one cleanse skin is brighter & feels smoother. 

Sanctuary Spa Triple Cleansing Mousse Review

I’ve also been using the Lixirskin Electrogel Cleanser & feel in love instantly with its rich, cream formula. The science-y but behind this cleanser is that it uses a negatively charged electrogel to remove positively charged makeup, dirt & pollution from the skin. I have found myself reaching for this cleanser when my skin is a little red or irritated, as it instantly calms and soothes. I am totally in love with the packaging of this cleanser too; why can’t every beauty product come in an easy to use, easy to store toothpaste-type tube? 

LixirSkin Electrogel Cleanser Review

Another brand I have been exploring skin-wise recently is Dermalogica. My favourite cleanser I’ve tried from the brand is the Precleanse oil – it’s texture is incredible & helps keep my skin hydrated whilst eliminating makeup! I have also been really enjoying the Daily Microfoliant. This is a powder, which when mixed with water turns into an exfoliating paste. Overall, I have seen brilliant results recently from using Dermalogica products; I think the quality of their products really shows, they deliver on results for the skin & keep my face balanced & looking its best. 

I have also recently changed up which micellar water I have been using in my routine. I love micellar waters from removing stubborn makeup but can find they dry my skin out. Which is why I have switched to the Nuxe Micellar Cleansing Water with Rose Petals. You’ll know from my Instagram just how much I love Nuxe as a brand anyway; but this water has really blown my socks off. The water manages to blast away hard to remove makeup, even waterproof mascara, without drying the skin. In fact, my skin is soft, calm & hydrated after using this formula!

Micellar Cleansing Water with Rose Petals Review

Do you often change up your cleansers? Or do you prefer to stick to same one for morning & evening? Let me know in the comments below! 


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